
Tuesday, October 11, 2011


     So you just recently started ballet and you’re really good at it.  You got your little twist down and you know how to work it on the ballet scene.  You haven’t been doing it long but your life has been getting progressively harder since you started workin’ the ballet stage so you think it’s time to quit.  This is something that you always do and your parents hate it, it’s something that you always do but you hate that quality about yourself more than you hate your big green shoulders, I mean people keep confusing you for the hulk, what kind of a life is that?  Anyway, quitting is a habit that you need to fix, and I can help you with a few tips to quit quitting.
    First, when you start something, it’s good to do it with friends.  For example, if I were to decide to start a business smuggling Cuban sand into America in my shoes alone I would be likely to quit when the going got tough because my only incentive would be that profit, but if I start that same business with my friend Tod who has never been able to find a way to make it in America as he has no parents or shoes to smuggle the sand in I will be less likely to quit because I won’t be able to say to Tod “I can’t do this anymore,” so generally, the more people you start things with the more likely you are to continue doing it.
     Second, don’t get an excessive early rush.  I don’t know about you but I have trouble with this one.  Every 3 to four months I find my Pokemon game and I play about 3 hours a day for a week.  After this week ends and I add a couple more level 100 pokemon (I currently have 3 full boxes (there are 30 in a box)  in my pokemon diamond, and 1 box in my pokemon black) and then I get bored and put away pokemon for the next 3 to four months.  Can you imagine if as opposed to wasting all of my time for three weeks and then getting bored if I could just play for a reasonable amount of time and do it for a couple of months.  Just to reiterate my point for those of you who got lost in the world of pokemon, it is essential not to overdo your new hobbies.
     Third, this one seems kind of obvious, but make sure to think about the hobbies you pick up.  If you start dying sheep fur pink let’s be realistic, your chances of keeping that hobby are slim.  Manage your activities an don’t start stupid ones and remember this “I pity the fool who messes with the BOSS MAN”

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