
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Ground Zero

You didn’t do anything wrong, but that doesn’t matter, you’re grounded, not allowed to do anything.  Everybody faces this nightmare at least once in their life and everybody hates it now, some parents (like mine) are so cruel you can’t even throw nickels at the piano while your grounded, and others aren’t, but no matter how your parents treat groundings, I’m here to tell you what to do when you’re grounded.
                The first option is to just watch TV/Play video games.  Being grounded is a nice way to get a little one on one time with your Xbox, or maybe you don’t like one player games and you want to play online with your friend Tod.  Or maybe you’re not a big fan of video games well I got news for you, there’s a degrassi marathon with your name on it and you better be in front of the TV until your parents unground you.  However, I’m aware that some parents (once again, like mine) know no limits to the evils of grounding and don’t even allow you to watch TV so I give you an alternative.  Your computer.
                Many people do not know the bevy of options they have on their computers.  You can chat it up with your friend Tod on facebook, you can play games, you can check your email and actually read all the emails, you can read this blog, you can watch hulu, there are more possibilities than there are ways to spell “it.”  This is something you probably do a little anyway, but it becomes more fun when it’s your best option (like Bella seems to think Jacob is in Twighlight).  Once again, some parents prevent this so were going to move on the next option.
                Run up your phone bill.  It’s questionable which should come first this or computers but let’s just say you should explore both of these options at the same time.  Obviously over the last couple of weeks you’ve been spending all of your time with Tod, and so your side chicks are feeling a little let down.  Now in your time of isolation, you’re going to call those 20 women and spend exactly 20 minutes on the phone with each one every day.  Or like the rest of us you don’t have 20 side chicks so you’re just gunna talk to your friends and send an abundance of text messages perhaps you’ll even facetime your friends with you i-Phone.  If all else fails, it becomes clear that you must resort to your last option, and DON’T MAKE THIS SEXUAL.
                Kick schools ass.  Honestly, if you can’t do anything else the best thing to do is spend many more hours than necessary doing school work in Hawaii while being serenaded by Skylar Grey (she has such a wonderful voice).  I know this option feels shitty while you’re doing it but once your prison sentence is over you’ll be glad that you dominated your friend Tod on that history paper.  Or in a different amount of time you’ll be glad those stellar grades got you into Essex.

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