
Thursday, September 15, 2011

SMGDH at these stupid acronyms

Note- For best results read this one out-loud to yourself in the voice of Morgan Freeman, or Samuel Jackson.

Have you ever been on facebook, perusing through your newsfeed when you read a status from your friend Tod.  The status is something stupid like  “Yo, I got smh on my lol and DTF,” you look at this status and you’re sent into a rage, how could someone be so ignorant about common acronyms?  I know what you’re thinking and I’ve been there, you think it’s Tod’s fault and you really want to steal all of the grass from Tod’s yard leaving him only with dirt, but don’t, it’s not Tod’s fault, it’s everyone else’s for creating so many acronyms.
            I have a question, why do we need a shortened way to say “shake my head?”  Yeah I’ll admit it’s fun to say but honestly, who was saying “shake my head,” so much that they needed a shortened way to say it?  How low have we come, we can’t type “shake my head,” anymore, next thing you know people won’t be able to send rockets to the moon.  Honestly, that’s like having a short way to say “My shoe is untied,” it’s unnecessary and excessive, I bet in two years reading status’s will require a translator or manual. 
I don’t know about you but I actually think English is pretty good, but I do acknowledge that some of the acronyms are good, for example.  I would hate to have to say “I think that’s funny,” every time I thought something was funny, I acknowledge things like “lol, brb, gtg, nvm, etc.” are good, but I think we don’t need 8 different ways to say something is funny, I’m pretty sure we could do fine with just “lol.” But then again next time I’m stranded in a remote island and I have 5 seconds left of battery life on my i-phone and I need to make my facebook status  “Im at longitude 5 latitude 28 and I need to be saved as soon as possible,” I’ll say “dammit I guess we really did need an acronym for that one.” But until then I’m going to say we don’t need so many acronyms.

Post By: Pat G.

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